Warning: Declaration of YOOtheme\Theme\Wordpress\MenuWalker::walk($elements, $max_depth) should be compatible with Walker::walk($elements, $max_depth, ...$args) in /home/rtbm1227/public_html/wp-content/themes/yootheme/vendor/yootheme/theme/platforms/wordpress/src/Wordpress/MenuWalker.php on line 8

TBM Innovation Steel SRL

Adresa:    Dn 65 B, Autostrada Bucuresti - Pitesti, Pitesti, ROMANIA
Mobil:     +40 730 088 705
Fax:        +40 248 216 254
Adresa de corespondenta: Oficiul postal 5, C.P. 110

Date identificare societate:

C.U.I.: RO 31554740
IBAN: RO 21 RNCB0022134641300001
B.C.R. Pitesti – Capital: 5000 RON
Adresa de corespondenta: Oficiul postal 5, C.P. 110